Nourish your body, transform your life | Teen Ink

Nourish your body, transform your life

April 11, 2024
By isabella12323456 BRONZE, Oregon City, Oregon
isabella12323456 BRONZE, Oregon City, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Why should people take more care of themselves, and how would it benefit you?

What do you think about this topic? Do you think a healthy body and mind are the key to a healthy lifestyle? How can you help others when you can't help yourself? These are all good questions, but, ultimately, why should we really care more about ourselves? It would help your mental state a lot if you did something for your body. Exercising is a great way to get you out of a negative mindset and improve your confidence. So why should we care? Despite the fact that people care about their looks and want to work out excessively, excessively working out can cause problems and make you addicted to looking strong and super skinny. This can cause major problems with your mindset so try to work out 1 to 2 days a week to balance out your workout. You should care more about yourself because it will help your mental state, your physical state, and help you have healthy relationships.

You should socialize because it's a great way to stay in a healthy mindset and can help depression and feeling alone. Taking care of yourself is a great way to feel better and healthy. It can improve your mindset and make you positive and happy. Although people may have anxiety and have trouble talking to people, it's okay to come out of your comfort zone and make friends to help you realize you're not alone. Even though some people care about what others think of them as human beings, they try to be this image and compare themselves to others around them. It's important to care about yourself because you'll start to feel bad about yourself and have negative thoughts and comments on yourself.


It's true that your physical appearance is what makes you feel good about yourself and change your mindset, it's also true that having a good diet and getting good rest improves your mood and boosts your energy. Although why should we care? Especially about ourselves, Well many people agree that good sleep increases your lifespan and improves your health. Taking care of your hygiene helps your appearance, makes you feel clean, and healthy. Even though it's hard to care about yourself it's important because you'll feel good about your body and your looks.

Many people have anxiety making it hard to socialize and talk to others without feeling anxious or nervous, but sometimes it’s needed to be open and talk to others to make friends and push yourself out of your comfort zone. That's why you should be in a healthy relationship. What is your picture of a healthy relationship? What's your example for socializing? A healthy relationship is caused by being open with each other and not keeping secrets, listening to one another, and helping each other to keep that relationship healthy and kind. You should care about yourself in this relationship as well so you don't feel like you're always giving and giving to your partner or friend.An unhealthy relationship looks like not being open, ignoring one another feelings, physical contact, and gas lighting. You want a healthy relationship because it can help your mental health and make you feel loved or cared for, in that position where you don't feel loved or cared for you need to talk to them and tell them how you feel and how they make you feel because being open with one another is a key to a healthy relationship.


Some people may have problems taking care of themselves and look for people around them to guide and help them through their depression or anxiety. That's why we should do something about it and help people and push them out of their comfort zone. People are very different with their social skills and will need another round to make the first move to make them feel more comfortable so go make the first move and make a friend. Don't be afraid to make new friends or make the first move because that's the key to a healthy relationship. Although people say having a healthy relationship is great to have, you'll also need to care about yourself in that relationship and take care of your needs as well.

Now why should we care more about ourselves? Why should you care more about yourself? Not only should you care about yourself, but you should feel good about yourself. You should make yourself feel amazing and staggering. You should feel good about yourself because you are a person who can do great things and make a difference and a change. So, why care about yourself? Numerous people may go against my thoughts and my opinion but crowds of people will still be sad and depressed if we don’t care more. So should we always care about ourselves and others? We should care more about ourselves because of our mental state, our physical state, and our relationships with others around us.

The author's comments:

This piece is made by me for people who need to get help or healthy.

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