The Point of Life is Happiness | Teen Ink

The Point of Life is Happiness

May 23, 2014
By Anonymous

121 million people worldwide are depressed. That’s a very big number that needs to change. We, ourselves need to take charge of our lives and do what makes us happy. Life satisfaction is how people evaluate their life span as a whole and not how they feel every day. A survey was taken throughout the world by OECD asking people about their life satisfaction. The average came out to a 6.6 grade out of 10. I’m not going to say we are living our lives with the wrong priorities, but I wall say changes need to be made and they need to be changed now. The main priority in life should be happiness for yourself, nothing more nor less.

When you think about life what do you think about? Do you think about money? Do you think about success? What is even the point in life? Are we all just supposed to finish school and go through life trying to be the most successful we can be or is it to try and make more money than our neighbors? Wrong. Some people may tell you that the point in life is to make the most money or to have the biggest house but studies have shown life is about being happy and doing what you want to make you happy.

Money money money, that’s all that everything in the world seems to be about now. When was the last time you went a day without worrying and thinking about money? Many things blind us, the people, from what is really important in life. Many people believe the point in life is to be successful, to serve god, to reproduce, or to make so much money that you don't know what to do with it. Not one of those things are worth if you aren't happy. One exception to that is, if any of those things make you truly happy then by all means do it.

Many different things can make us happy, but the hard part is finding out what can make us happy. Another thing we need to do is regular things that are proven to make us happy. We need to figure out what makes us happy and do it. Focus on the simple things, the small things that make you happy. Maybe this is just waking up in the morning and drinking your cup of coffee or just having a simple conversation with a family member. Go by these three things to get you started, find out what makes you happy, do the things proven to make you happy and focus on the simple things.

Many scientific studies have been made about how humans responds to happiness and what can make us happy. Yes Magazine has “The top 10 things that have been proven to make you happy”. The first thing is savor every moment. This means enjoy the small things and smell the roses, calm down and enjoy little things. The second thing is to avoid comparison, stop comparing yourself to the girl next to you and focus on the good things you have to offer. The third thing is put money low on the list, stay away from money happiness and stay for the natural happiness. The fourth is have meaningful goals, create goals and achieve them to strive for that satisfaction. The fifth is to take initiative at work, strive to be the best you can and try to get creative. The sixth is to make friends and treasure family. No matter what in the end you will always need a good base. Have important people in your life so they can support you and back you up and help you get through the hard times. The seventh is smile even if you don’t feel like it. Studies have shown that if you just smile your mood with increase drastically. The eighth is say thank you a lot and mean it. Just by saying thank you and naming off all the things you are thankful for will better your mood instantly. The ninth is to get out and exercise! Exercising not only makes your body healthier but also relieves stress and can put you in a better mood. Finally the tenth thing is give it away. This means to donate something, either your time, blood, and volunteering. Knowing you are doing something good will make you a lot happier but will also make another person happy.

Happiness is not something I can decide for anyone. You have to figure it out yourself. I am not saying to not make money and to not be successful, I am saying be happy doing it. Yes, those are big parts in our lives but make sure you are doing something that makes you happy on top of that. If you are someone who is just very happy knowing they are successful or making money is something that genuinely makes you happy please do it. Yes, those things can make you happy by what comes out of it but genuine happiness should come from your heart, not the wad of cash in your pocket.

There are many benefits to being happy, other than the fact that you are in a good state of mind. Having joy can improve your health and help your body heal itself, giving you many more probabilities to explore in life. Being happy can also increase your self-esteem and make you feel better about your decisions. You can’t be happy and depressed at the same time so those side effects also disappear. You can eliminate fear, anxiety and stress just by being happy. When you are happy positive energy shines out of you putting you in a better mood, also giving others that positive vibe, not only making your day better but also theirs.

Happiness should be at the top or all our lists. The Pursuit of Happiness is even written in our Declaration of Independence. If happiness wasn’t important why would it be one of our three main rights as people? This right is given to us for a very important reason. We deserve to be happy and live the life we want.

All in all be happy with your life and yourself and do things to make yourself happy. Remember if it makes you happy it shouldn’t matter what anyone else says. The main priority in life should be happiness for yourself nothing more nor less. Practice things that will make you happy to improve other life satisfactions as well as make you a better person with yourself. Smile a lot and remember… the point of life is happiness.


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