Response to "Cell Phone" | Teen Ink

Response to "Cell Phone"

February 18, 2014
By djl831 SILVER, Oakwood, Ohio
djl831 SILVER, Oakwood, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once I received my license I always promised myself to never text and drive. I agree with the writer that people should stay off their cell phones while driving. Although I agree with the writer, I often times catch myself glancing down towards my cell phone while driving. It’s a curiosity feeling that follows receiving a text and it makes me, as the driver, wonder what they sent. I also have a cord that allows me to play music from my phone through my car sound system. I sometimes look at my phone to change songs. I believe its more normal now to see people on their phones while driving. Not every person who drives while on the phone ends up in an accident. I believe most people have the sense to realize that they can or cannot drive a car straight and be somewhat aware while driving with a phone.

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