What Really Matters? | Teen Ink

What Really Matters?

November 16, 2013
By Outcast4God PLATINUM, Farmersville, Texas
Outcast4God PLATINUM, Farmersville, Texas
33 articles 2 photos 53 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars you have set in place-- what mortals that you should think of us. Mere humans that you should care for us.
---Psalms 8:3-4

What matters to you?
Your hair, clothes, friends, relationships, car? Your acedemics, extraciriculars, religion? Think about something you care about; something that matters to you.
Now imagine it's 10 years later. Will you still have it? Will it still be important to you? Is it even TRULY important now? Consider these questions to find what really matters.
Many people believe that what they wear and how they eat matters. They think that they have to win the approval of the "in-crowd". But that doesn't really matter. If you do anything that changes who you really are... it's not worth it. The things that matter are the things that will last a lifetime. Things that don't change who you are inside.
So consider all the things you love. All the things you enjoy doing. But keep in mind... what REALLY MATTERS?

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