Resilience | Teen Ink


May 15, 2013
By sparth BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
sparth BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Resilience is ability to recover from and traumatic incident. It is a way to heal from an incident that has scared you. People in this world need resilience to fight through the problems and stress that surround them. Resilience is an invisible shield made out of spirit. It helps people succeed and heal adversity, but some people do not have enough resilience. Resilience means facing life’s hardships difficulties with boldness and courage. It means being patient and never giving up. Resilience comes from the support and other people. It comes from relationships from others that help people get through things. Resilience is as spirit in all waiting to come out. Spirit helps you believe in doing things that are nearly impossible and it helps you think through things. Survivors are people who are experienced at being resilient. They are the teachers and educators of forgiveness and boldness. Being resilient is not only about being strong, but it is also about being forgiving. Without forgiveness you would hate everyone around you. Resilience can’t be taught well, but a single incident can evoke a feeling or spirit inside of you that makes you fearless. Resilience is everywhere. We can see it and think about it every day. Getting back after you fall down and never giving up on a question till you solve it is just resilience. Life is the greatest teacher of resilience, because it gives you an adventure through the greatest hardships. People should practice being fearless and tough by finding a way to achieve a goal that is nearly impossible. For example athletes train everyday and practice by trying their hardest. Even if they lose, they come back and win. Resilience is all about recovering, forgiving, and learning to never give up.

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