Being Awkward | Teen Ink

Being Awkward

March 20, 2013
By EmerGem BRONZE, American Canyon, California
EmerGem BRONZE, American Canyon, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As it might be hard for some people to admit, everyone is a little awkward, some more so than others. Of course, "awkwardness" is an opinion brought on by other people or yourself. It's like having a damper on your social abilities. Like not knowing what to say or doing something that might lable you as awkward. Well, everyone has those moments, but for some people it's kind of a problem. Someone who is "awkward" might compare themselves with other people, like thinking things like "Wow, look how cool he is. I'll never be like him." Your social world seems to really not be there, and that your either lonely or constantly regretting your little mistakes. I, myself, am extremely awkward. In social situation I seem to just go blank, or to just not think of anything that I can respond to. Usually in a conversation between other people, I'll just stand ther and be silent, fearing that if I say something I might be weird or out of place. Everyone must be able relate to something like this, no matter how small. Seeing people who are laughing together and knowing that you're too "out of place" to join them, or really liking someone but never having the couage to ask them. Little mistakes you make might seem larger in your mind, and you find yourself thinking about them and thinking negatively about yourself. As a teen, you might find yourself around people who have a relationship. For someone who is awkward, it makes them feel lonely and outcasted. Like having a crush on someone but being too shy to tell them, or even really starting a good conversation with them. It makes you feel powerless and hopeless, because it's so hard to be social. You wonder, how are they so able to communicate with people? You just want someone to love and to be loved by someone. Awkwardness saps any courage you have and social skills you've acquired. It's so... lonely.

The author's comments:
This is basically my entire social life right here... on this page.

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