Giving In | Teen Ink

Giving In

July 21, 2008
By Anonymous

She was just a kid, 16 at the most
She wanted to fit in,
Have something to boast
When she found some new friends
And they invited her in
She definately kept up with
The biggest trends
She thought they were the best
She shunned her family
Gave up the rest
One day, while hanging with th crew
They invited her
To try something new
They popped open the top
Took a couple of sips
Passed it to her
She put it to her lips
She took a second to think
What would happen
If she took a drink
She thought to herself
" It's only this time,
it won't happen again."
She knew it was a crime
One drink turned into five
Then she announced
" Let's go for a drive"
They ran to the car
With her as the driver
They didn't get far
Just before they turned the corner
A dog ran out
With no time to warn her
She swerved to avoid her
Lost control of the car
Hit an oncoming trucker
This is the part where no one wins
It's too bad
That she gave in
She didn't think
Her life would end.

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This article has 1 comment.

kaseyk3 BRONZE said...
on Aug. 21 2010 at 12:30 pm
kaseyk3 BRONZE, Columbia, Illinois
1 article 5 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
love is love and if you love it let it be

this is really good and sad i love it