Family | Teen Ink


January 30, 2012
By Renne,AmberDDD SILVER, Great Valley, New York
Renne,AmberDDD SILVER, Great Valley, New York
9 articles 5 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You can't make lemomade with out the lemons"

Really what I have learned from my own experiance is family should always come first. I say family because they care about you more than anyone ever could. The only way I would say other wise was if your situation at home was bad. Family also teaches you more than your friends ever could. Your family teaches about life after high school. Do you or any of you friends even have a clue about life after school. They couldn't they have not been through it yet. So just think of what matters more to you family or friends. Think which one's help you in the toughes situations.

The author's comments:
dedicated to my family!!

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