America | Teen Ink


December 17, 2023
By Cordi SILVER, Rome, Pennsylvania
Cordi SILVER, Rome, Pennsylvania
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
be gentle my little thunderstorm, the world is just not ready. - a.j. lawless

Freedom is a relative illusion. It's a figure of mind. The concept of a "great" America is a figure of mind. People talk and talk and talk about how great this country is, and how it is a country built on the freedom of its people. This is the same America that enslaved over 27,000 of its people for over 89 years. This is the same America that separated those same families for over a hundred years. This is the same America where over half of the population had to fight for their rights. This is the same America that is turning away children and families at its border. This is the same America that is taking away the rights of its people. This is the America that we live in. This is the America that most are proud to live in. 

This country was built on good principles when they are practiced equally and fairly no matter what race, gender, sexuality, or religion is practiced. The right to freedom is written in our founding documents. Freedom is what this country was founded for. So many people come to this country to make their dreams come true and live better lives. This is the America that helps its neighbors in times of war. This is the America that allows people within its borders no matter where they are from. This is the America that is open, free, and what people consider a safe place. 

We stand every morning and pledge allegiance to a country that does not exist. A country whose founding principles of freedom happiness and security for all are being ignored and rewritten for less. The explorers of our world left where they were safe and had families and lives because they had no freedom. Because they were unhappy. Because they know that somewhere there has to be something better. These are the people who went on to foster our leaders and role models. The people who wrote our constitution, who fought for us, and shaped who we get to be today. These are also the people who brutally killed hundreds or thousands of innocent people to do that. 

America is light and dark. Life and death. Love and hatred. Hope and despair. The people before us have had their chance to make it. Now it's our turn. I hope we do it right. I hope we become the country, and the people, that we were always meant to be. I hope that we can become the country that gives people all over the world a chance to dream. 

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