The Unknown | Teen Ink

The Unknown

December 6, 2023
By Snake_Skullz SILVER, Pella Ia, Iowa
Snake_Skullz SILVER, Pella Ia, Iowa
5 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Not in doing what you like, but liking what you do is the secret of happiness" - J.M Barrie

Mushrooms consume our lives, without us even knowing it. Mushrooms and their spores are everywhere. The very air we breathe contains those spores. They land on something, consume it, and give it new life. Underground their filament called mycelium are everywhere we step. Unknowns are underground and unseen by us, everywhere in our lives. Unknowns land on us consume us and then help us grow as people. Giving us new and better lives, for ourselves. 

  The unknown is mankind's greatest fear. Why are we afraid of the unknown? It’s the same reason why little kids hide in the safety of their blankets from the dark. So they won't get dragged off by some Unknown danger, ready to hurt us and throw us into more unknown. Researchers say that our brains are made to expect negative outcomes from uncertain situations. It’s not weird or unusual as humans to be scared of the unknown. H.P Lovecraft once said “the oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown”

When we were younger, we all had many questions about the world. A lot more things were unknown to us then. As children, we always asked our caregivers questions. Those first few years of a child’s life are like a big test of knowledge for their caregivers. They will ask you questions about anything and everything. They’re usually questions like. Why is the grass green? They do it because they’re not as scared of the unknown, as they are curious. 

As we get older though, our unknowns become more delicate, and scarier. They can harm our mental state, and being mentally prepared is very important. Unknowns become more delicate as we age because you have no idea what you're going to get, and what you get can be good or bad. They’re usually things like. Will I get into the college I want to, or even, will I have enough money to pay rent this month?

I and the unknown have been best friends, growing up. From the time I could start remembering anything. Before the word unknown was known to me I knew there were some things I couldn’t know or explain. I was born to a different mother than the mother I have today. After four months of her having me, I got taken by my father and the woman I call my mom for my safety. To this day I don’t have any memories of my birth mother. I have no idea what her origins are and who she is. Her life is unknown to me and will continue to be for many years. In the past not knowing this stuff had made me sad, but now I understand that finding answers to some of those things wouldn’t be a good idea. Sometimes it’s embracing the fact that there are some things that you don’t need to know for the sake of your mental health. When the topic of family came up in an autobiography I had to write in 8th grade. I wrote “I am okay knowing what I already know instead of trying so hard to find something, or someone who doesn’t even know I exist.” even then I embraced my unknown. 

 The unknown is all about taking chances, and most people have comfort zones that they don’t want to step foot outside of. Most children's and even adults' minds go straight to the negative. What bad could come of this situation? We’re not thinking about all of the good things that might happen as well, by taking those chances. Investors take chances and play with the unknown on a daily basis. They invest money in companies without really knowing what unexpected things might happen to them.

We don’t realize how much we really love the unknown. When it comes to modern entertainment, things such as movies, tv shows, and video games all contain unknowns that make them more interesting to us. Is she going to choose him or them? Horror movies contain jumpscares that give you a thrill. Videogames constantly update to keep the storyline going and make a profit. Unknowns evoke our curiosity.


Happy, sad, addictive, and ever-consuming. I can’t say I know or fully understand the unknown or even my unknowns. I know for many years after this that there will be things that I still won’t know about myself. Whether it is about my birth mom and my origins or the future.  I can say without hesitation that I am comfortable with and ready to work through my unknowns and become a better version of myself, for myself. 

The author's comments:

This piece is about the unknown. Why we shouldn't be afraid of it, push it away. There are many unknowns within our own lives, and learning to embrace the unknown is something we all should do. My piece on the unknown connects to my own life, my unknowns; and I hope this can help anybody who is struggling with their own unknowns.

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