Feedback on The Great Triple Baconator | Teen Ink

Feedback on The Great Triple Baconator

November 15, 2017
By Alicee SILVER, Staten Island, New York
Alicee SILVER, Staten Island, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." ~Oscar Wilde

Don't get fooled by the title. Don't get tempted by it, either. "The Great Triple Baconator", written by Victoria Stafford, offers a meaningful message behind the silly facade. In the piece, Victoria compares finishing Wendy's signature Triple Baconator to overcoming challenges. Although it seems silly, I was blown away by how smoothly she manages to connect the two topics, and it completely took me by surprise.

We all have challenges we must face and overcome. For Victoria, it was her Triple Baconator. She described her obstacle as, "...1,850 calories that stood between me, my pride, and more importantly, a free meal." But the most important part was that she went against all odds, and received her free meal. It's quite an inspiring story: A 14-year-old girl learns to take each challenge bite by bite after eating a free Triple Baconator. This just proves that you can achieve anything as long as you believe. And sometimes, that achievement can even be a free meal.

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