Feedback on The Lemonade Stand | Teen Ink

Feedback on The Lemonade Stand

September 19, 2017
By Alicee SILVER, Staten Island, New York
Alicee SILVER, Staten Island, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." ~Oscar Wilde

"The Lemonade Stand," a short story by Elizabeth Wing, captured my attention when I was flipping through the pages of Teen Ink magazine. The fiction piece featured a little girl with the name of Clemie. She was trying to sell her lemonade, when all of a sudden, a cop showed up to her stand telling her to look out for a man wearing a red flannel shirt. Little did she know he was hiding right beneath her lemonade stand table.

I found this story quite interesting because of how a little girl and a grown man were able to bond so quickly. The story declared, "Clemie peeled off a Band-Aid from the sign and gave it to him; he patted it on his knee, just to humor her." Perhaps the most ironic thing to me was that a prison escapee, who was wanted by the cops, was spending his first few moments outside of prison, talking to a little girl who would turn out to be his biggest inspiration. This story shared an important message saying that friendships can be made in the most unexpected moments.

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