When Silence is Injustice | Teen Ink

When Silence is Injustice

September 13, 2017
By Elyana SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
Elyana SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Emma Shedden's article "When Silence is Injustice" highlights how kids are expected to accept whatever adults tell them, even if what is said is offensive or flat out untrue. These statements and stereotypes only harm people and how they are percieved, and yet we are expected to accept these beliefs, or worse, laugh it off. Adults and kids alike need to be corrected if they say anything demeaning towards a certain race or ethnicity. If we stay silent, then those statements will only continue to increase. I agree with Shedden since these types of events should be objected, and although she did not speak up at that moment, she plans to the next time an adult is being rude or offensive. Although we learn not to argue with adults, there are times when adults need to be corrected. Thank you Emma, for showing me to speak up when someone says something that is just wrong on a moral and ethical plane.

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