The Stupid Idea | Teen Ink

The Stupid Idea

February 2, 2017
By Anonymous

Now I thought that it’s pretty obvious that we all should think before we act.  The article “The Stupid Idea” by Sarah E. is a story that just gets you really excited for what’s going to happen next.  It’s funny and pretty shocking, especially about the piercing.   She says, “I know It’s better to think, instead of jumping right in with a sewing needle.”  Everyone can learn a lesson.  I myself have done things like these and they weren’t smart ideas, but people like us should always think before we act, such as sticking a sewing needle into someone’s ear and not even putting it right. I have never had a piercing, but I did do something stupid.  Well at least now I think it’s stupid but at that time I thought I was superman.  I obviously wasn’t, but one day I came home from school and I would have this bunk bed even though at the time I was the only child. I was in a really happy mood so I decided to jump off and I did not land a safely.  I had a dresser and I bumped on my top right of my eyes.  I was bleeding and bleeding and bleeding. It was one of the worst pain I have been through in my life and that stupid idea had left a scar in my life.  I still have memories of that day, but I now know how to think before I come up with some stupid idea to do.

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