Injustice Behind the Lines | Teen Ink

Injustice Behind the Lines

January 31, 2017
By Ciarah1281 BRONZE, Lowell, Massachusetts
Ciarah1281 BRONZE, Lowell, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Dear Narelle G.,


In this article, we found it surprising that, “you are most likely to be raped by their co-worker then killed by their enemy.” We were shocked because we didn't think you would be more likely be raped than killed, and we didn't think that would ever happen. Another quote that surprised us was, “In 2013, according to a report by the department of defense there were nearly 14,000 thousand sexual harassment and over 5,000 thousand reports of sexaual assault in the military. Thousands more belivied to go unreported.” This quote surprised us because the military is there to protect them, not to hurt them.  What stood out to us was that, “ In 2002 army specialist Andrea Neutzling reported sexual assault. To her army commander who gave her assailant a punishment of five days off base restriction a barely a slap on the wrist." I saw this article interesting because we just wanted to see why they didn’t report something so horrible like that.

                                                              Ciarah & Kayla

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