The Trouble of a Troublemaker | Teen Ink

The Trouble of a Troublemaker

January 19, 2017
By Raymond-Pham BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Raymond-Pham BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I found Austin M.'s article "The Trouble of a Troublemaker" very inspiring. Austin beautifully stated his life growing up and developing poor behavior. He claims that he "got in so much trouble that [he] got expelled and had to go to juvenile" (Mann). Usually when someone ends up in juvie, they have a decision to either change or not. Fortunately, Austin "did a 180-degree turn in [his] behavior" and eventually became well mannered (Mann). I was a troublemaker as a child, but i had a friend woth similar childhood problems. However, my friend did not change unlike Austin. Although Austin wrote a wonderful article, I do wish he added more details about after his life as a troublemaker. Overall, I would like to thank Austin for writting an inspiring article.

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