Street Fighter V | Teen Ink

Street Fighter V

December 12, 2016
By IsaacVillarreal BRONZE, Pheonix, Arizona
IsaacVillarreal BRONZE, Pheonix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The video game review on Street Fighter V, by Ayinde R., is a truthful review, but I am going to have to disagree. "However, the gameplay is exactly the same as the more warmly received Street Fighter IV. That's not good at all; with Mortal Kombat XL and Storm 4 reinventing themselves, SFV should have done the same." SFV was ment to have the the same gameplay. UNS4(Ultimate Ninja Storm 4) was not reinvented, it still has the same gameplay as the other Ninja Storms. SFV was ment to keep veteran players happy and bring in new players. SFV never really had a story mode. In the original, it was just arcade. Just like all the other fighting games, story mode is not focused on. It's more about multiplayer, and that is what SFV delivered. Thank you Ayinde for this review and I hope you and everyone else gives this game a second chance.

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