Monster | Teen Ink


October 21, 2016
By IM_Harambes_Dad SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
IM_Harambes_Dad SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
5 articles 4 photos 0 comments

The "Monster" by Conner Green was Phenominal because she was brave enough to tell her story about her appreance and the critism. I believe Conner did an amazing job on her personal experince of being different from her peers by handling the hatered and criticism. Conner had told a fasinating story about how she was treated,"he treated me like a monster, a freak, an abomination."This quote also went into depth on how she decides to live and look the way she looks, "This is my choice, my decisions, my life. Thank you Conner Green for the amazing story that others can definitely learn from.

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