Remembering Autumn | Teen Ink

Remembering Autumn

October 20, 2016
By SilviaRichard123 SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
SilviaRichard123 SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
7 articles 5 photos 0 comments

This article Remembering Autumn was so captivating to me because, it's beautiful to see someone admire someone without being a creep because I'm the same way, I tend to admire some people. Amarynth said that, "she loved Autumn for being different" which is some qualities I look for in others when something about them is fascinating to me. The article was written beautifully with such emotion in which a reader can feel physically. Amarynth really loved Autumn from a distance and "thinking she was brave." It's okay to admire others from a distance and it's so sad that Autumn had died in such a tragic crash. Thank you Amarynth for this relatable article that was very aspirational.

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