Feedback on "The Genie of the Gem" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "The Genie of the Gem"

May 8, 2016
By SnowflakeStar GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
SnowflakeStar GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     This piece "The Genie of the Gem," by Bill Wiggins is a fiction story about a boy named Brendon who finds a gem in the woods near his friend Eddie's house. At first he and Eddie argue over who gets to keep the gem, but Brendon manages to persuade Eddie to let him have it first. The plot and conflict are both very well developed and the resolution is also surprising as well. 

     Although this is an entertaining fictional story, in the midst of it, there are also important life lessons that include being careful about what you wish for and not being too greedy. According to the story it states "He couldn't think of a solution, and no amount of negotiating or compromising was going to deny the genie it's revenge." This shows that in the end, Brendon didn't heed the lessons that he could have and as a result, he was subjected to the genie's revenge. This story about a clever battle of wits is not only amusing, but educational as well.

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