Feedback on "The Truth Shall Not Set. Mother Goose Free" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "The Truth Shall Not Set. Mother Goose Free"

May 8, 2016
By 00001 SILVER, New York, New York
00001 SILVER, New York, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was instantly, hooked by "Amy's" piece, "The Truth Shall Not Set Mother Goose Free." She vividly described her life at home with an alcoholic and drunken father and the way it influenced the way her family lived. I clung to every word, watching as her love for her mother transformed into something else as she she rejected the help Amy set up for her. Amy grew up without friends because she hid the truth behind her family; the truth that would provide shame and support for her mother whom she adored. The story spoke to me and set my heart into places as it carried me throughout the scenes.

At first, I was relieved to know that there were other kids who had parents that could not attend school or activities or attempt to establish a normal family. I don't have parents who could take me on vacations or trips because they work hard. Reading this article on Mother's Day made me realize that my mother was as loving as Amy's. Throughout the story, I had hoped that Amy's mother would cut herself away from her husband and live in peace. However she refused to do so and stayed submissive, changing Amy's heart. Amy began to hurt her mother by becoming her abuser, like her father. But still, her mother refused to stand up to her. The story sent a powerful message about truth and abuse within a broken household that held a broken family.

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