Review on My Coming Out | Teen Ink

Review on My Coming Out

May 8, 2016
By chocoshroom BRONZE, New York, New York
chocoshroom BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"I'M PANSEXUAL!" Izzy P. is truly the master of coming out. The humor behind her identity is shown through her witty behavior as she screams that she has the power of gay (even though she's not gay). The author shows that coming out to close friends and family isn't hard at all. Sure, it may be a little nerve-wracking but it usually goes just fine. Izzy, at 14 years of age, came out to her friend for the first time by commenting that a girl was cute. Her friend asked, "No homo though, right?" Izzy replied, "Maybe homo?" And BAM it's that easy. 


I can relate to Izzy because although I'm not pansexual, I'm bisexual. It's not a big deal, liking both guys and girls. As long as you love them, it's fine. The chill way that she comes out to other people makes me envious. Izzy can manuever her way through situations by spurting out her sexuality. She once broke a family arguement by yelling out that she's pansexual and her family didn't seem to mind. They went straight back to arguing. How cool is that?

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