Review on "David Morris" by Shanelle Sewickley | Teen Ink

Review on "David Morris" by Shanelle Sewickley

May 4, 2016
By juliiia.z GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
juliiia.z GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     In "David Morris," the author describes a relatable experience of how her AP English teacher impacted her life. "By the end of it, I started to act more like him, carrying myself with confidence, attempting the tough questions, and even smelling books," the author states. This demonstrates how much a role model in our lives can significantly influence us. We admire the way they act, talk, and behave and try to apply everything they taught us to ourselves. They mold us into a way we never noticed before.

     I admire my mom for who she is and how she acts. She shows me what's right and what's wrong. She guides me to who I want to become. She supports me for who I am today. "As my peers began to pack, I told Mr. M I would stay through lunch. And I did," the author describes. In the beginning of the story, Mr. Morris was described as intimidating but for her to overcome her fear, she acted confident and expressed her gratitude for Mr.M at the end. I thank all role models out there who show people the way and continue to do so today.

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