Social Media Mania | Teen Ink

Social Media Mania

March 23, 2016
By Cat.Krystal.Clifford SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
Cat.Krystal.Clifford SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can relate to Victoria Trantow in her article "Social Media Mania" because she explains how everyone is into their phones and not into the real world or face to face talking. She gives the readers an example by explaining how when she needs to go to bed she ends up looking through her phone at night. This article helps tell the readers that lots of people, teens mostly, are making technology part of their life and their daily schedule. She says, "Why should we, the creaters of technlogy, feel enslaved by it?" stating that the internet has taken over our lives and we feel the need to always be on it. I would like to thank Victoria for writing this article because people can actually see what effect technology has on our society as of today. I, now, have an effort to not always be on my phone when im with my friends or family.

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