Your Name Review | Teen Ink

Your Name Review

March 23, 2016
By MorganWeisenburger SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
MorganWeisenburger SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Your Name” by Emily W. is an article that includes a name. Em-il-y. During this article she is explaining that her name is all she ever hears anymore. She pronounces that Emily is a name that is the third most used name in the country. The way she explains the story is unbelievably incredible. I believe that she trying to get the message across that her name is just repeated over and over. Then she moves on to her second name, Elizabeth. She explains with this name that she is royalty, maybe having some relations to a queen. Then in the ending paragraph she explains that her last name is something no one should know, its something that is suppose to classified.

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