The Dirtiest F-Word | Teen Ink

The Dirtiest F-Word

March 2, 2016
By E_ppanda GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
E_ppanda GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In our modern society, we have overcome slavery, segregation, World Wars I & II, but it wasn't so long ago. All of this was because of prejudice. We are still prejudiced today, especially when it comes to feminism. Sure, we, females may have gained our right to vote, to have jobs, and provide for ourselves but it's still there.

In "The Dirtiest F-Word" by Anna Butler, she explains how feminism is a dirty word. She discusses how females are shamed when they talk about rape and many other sensitive issues. Why should females be shamed just for talking about it? Are you saying that rape is a good thing? It's not. Have you seen articles about mothers being shamed for breast feeding their newborn? I have. 

In this piece, Anna conveys a good argument about how feminism is critical. It made me, as a female not just a reader, realize how crucial it is for females to be protected too. People in this world are cruel and females need the protection that is brought on by feminism. Feminism is important and we do need it. 

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