The Delights of Public Transportation | Teen Ink

The Delights of Public Transportation

March 2, 2016
By jevinaw GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
jevinaw GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

  “The Delights of Public Transportation” by Holly Stretton was highly relatable and amusing and made me both chuckle and cringe with the author. The piece gave a hilariously truthful piece about the dull and common part of most people’s day: riding some sort of public transport. Stretton tells about embarrassing moments to annoying situations that we know all to well. One of my favorite lines from the piece were, “… guaranteed entertainment for the whole journey, because for some reason, all of the craziest characters possible congregate in one place to complete in the ultimate talent contest: Who can annoy the other passenger the most?” The humor in this piece definitely prevails and she goes in to accurately describe each irritatingly universal figure on the bus.

  Her story really picks up when she shares a particularly disturbing incident at the bus top. From the moment the author explained his appearance to how he wouldn’t take her subtle hints, I very intrigued to read to the end. Her inside thoughts are witty and helpful for the situation, but I can only wince as it gets worse and worse for her. Stretton was dramatic in all the right places and what should just be an event that should’ve been brushed off becomes quite suspenseful. The piece was nothing short of well written and an actual delight on my ride of public transportation.

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