All Your Little Things | Teen Ink

All Your Little Things

February 19, 2016
By Cat.Krystal.Clifford SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
Cat.Krystal.Clifford SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can relate to Callie Atkins in her article "All Your Little Things" because when being in a relationship, you want to know every little thing about them. I like how you could feel the emotion she put behind her words. To get her point across, she kept repeating "Tell me" at the beginning of each sentence she wrote. I agree with her when she is saying, "Tell me everything" because if you truly love someone, you dont care if they aren't perfect or if they have mistakes they have made in the past. Thank you Callie for showing us this is what it feels like to want to know everything about the person you love the most and for telling the readers that sometimes you just want every little detail about their life.

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