"Popular" is Not a Swear Word | Teen Ink

"Popular" is Not a Swear Word

February 18, 2016
By BrittanyBelva BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
BrittanyBelva BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 I completely agree with Rachel Zerdin about the views people have on popular kids and how TV made these thoughts come into people's mind. To be popular does not mean to be a bully and hated by your peers. To be popular because your constantly picking on your peers and your peers being scared of you is "not the behaviors of popular people but bullies". Everyone has it set in their mind that they have to be a bully to be popular, but thats not popularity. Popularity is being liked and admired by others because you are kind. Rachel Zerdin is right no one should be afraid to be popular because of how others define popularity. Thank you Rachel Zerdin for such an incisive article.

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