"Suck it in" | Teen Ink

"Suck it in"

February 18, 2016
By jcampos BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
jcampos BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The article "Suck it in" by Kristin Hopkins is a reality for not only her but other teen girls that have self-image issues. Several young people live day to day concerned about their weight and what others think. A persons weight doesn't determine who they are or what they will be. Kristin said she was," naivete about what true beauty means to people," which is truely sad. When you think of beauty Kristin, don't think about "suck it in", just let it out. If anyone keeps thinking negatively, in their eyes, they'll never be perfect or love themself. My heart goes out to you Kristin any anyone who thinks to "suck it in" will change how you feel about yourself. Only letting your true self out and accepting it will make you feel better.

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