"Popular'Is Not a Swear Word" | Teen Ink

"Popular'Is Not a Swear Word"

February 18, 2016
By pujaC BRONZE, Phx, Arizona
pujaC BRONZE, Phx, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I absolutely support Rachel Zerdin's claim in her article, "Popular is Not a Swear Word". The logic that popular people are unkind, rude, and mean is simply fueled by the movies and TV shows characters like Sharpay and Regia Georges. These types of stereotypical logic beliefs only apply to some people because not ALL popular people are cruel and possess devine beauty and harsh behavior towards their peers. Take my best friend for instance, she is no cheerleader with cute miniskirt, infact she hates miniskirt, is no way near unkind and is loved by everyone. She is popular amoung her peers due to her outgoing personality and her friendliness. That proves that being popular does not mean a person is just plain mean; popularity does not define a individual. cruel, unkind, and rude "are not the behaviors of popular people, but bullies." I sincerely thank Rachel for stating this crucial point. Hopefully it will change the stereotypical thoughts and beliefs towards popular people.

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