Feedback On Aww Nuts | Teen Ink

Feedback On Aww Nuts

January 5, 2016
By Maria_The_TMNT GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
Maria_The_TMNT GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Aww Nuts” by Karen interested me because I also have a nut allergy.  “Aww Nuts” is about when Karen attended her friend Kaitlin’s birthday party and had an allergic reaction to nuts after eating peanut butter cup ice cream at the age of nine.  This piece was well written and I was able to relate to it even though I have never suffered from an allergic reaction to nuts as severe as hers.
I used to hate that I have a nut allergy but this piece made me realize that it’s okay because in “Aww Nuts” Karen stated “…having a nut allergy is something that makes me, me.  Without my nut allergy I wouldn’t be as cautious as I am today and I‘m more educated on the severity of food allergies and their consequences than most of my peers.  Overall, this was a great piece because it informed readers of how dangerous allergic reactions are without describing it in a complicated manner.

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