Feedback on "Aww Nuts" by "Karen" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Aww Nuts" by "Karen"

January 5, 2016
By juliiia.z GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
juliiia.z GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     You never know when your life will change or where. Life is composed of unexpected obstacles we must face. "Aww Nuts" by"Karen" addresses this by describing a glimpse into the narrator's life that changed her forever.

     This piece conveys an understanding that one's life can change in any direction. When the narrator ate the peanut butter cup ice cream, she then discovered that she had a nut allergy. This discovery made her more cautious and responsible for what she consumes. It states, " even though this experience was traumatizing, having a nut allergy is something that makes me, me." This demonstrates that she eventually learns to accept herself. This piece has made me more aware of the decisions I make and how I behave but ultimately of life.

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