Why i dont celebrate christmas | Teen Ink

Why i dont celebrate christmas

December 4, 2015
By TyrequeS BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
TyrequeS BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In Farna Khalidi's article "Why I Dont Delebrate Christmas" I really understood her reasons on why celebrating Christmas isnt for her. As a young kid i was brought up in a very religous Christian home. But , even though it was Christmas we still received gifts and gave them , but we dont glorify "Santa" for these things ; but thanking God for allowing us to receive these blessings. She says "...be proud of your culture , YOUR culture" that is a problem people face on daily bases , a lot of people are afraid to state there oppinion on there religion because they are scared what people might think.

Thank you Farna , for really stating your feelings on religion Not a lot of people are as brave as you.

The author's comments:

Religion is life.

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