How To Be the Oldest | Teen Ink

How To Be the Oldest

December 9, 2015
By sarithcano15 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
sarithcano15 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

I can relate to Brevann Nun in "How To Be the Oldest" when he wrote about how you end up loving your younger sibling no matter what. Yes, we may have our own moments where we just want to pull each other's hear, but through it all you learn to love them to the deepest part of your heart, because you live and breath with them in the good and the bad times. Brevann states, "We oldeset siblings should be proud of ourselves...Somehow, after all the anger, arguing, crying, and bitterness, we still care about those little irritations we call siblings". Honestly, I feel proud of myself, because i know that i do the best that i could to be the best oldest sibling and most importantly i feel that love for my younger siblings to the deepest part of my heart.


Thank you Brevann for sharing your experience as an older sibling. We need more people like you who need to see their siblings with gratitude.

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