I’m Afraid of the Movies Review | Teen Ink

I’m Afraid of the Movies Review

December 2, 2015
By Amelia_Seigman SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Amelia_Seigman SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the article “I’m Afraid of the Movies,” Emily T. describes of her once love and fascination of the movie theater.  As a four-year-old, she explains, “The room was full of color, movie trailers were dancing on TV screens, popcorn was popping, people were laughing. I had found my favorite place.”  She was enchanted by the fun experience with her father, who had been busy for weeks as he worked at Ground Zero after the 9/11 terrorist attacks; however, time went on, and Miss Thomas doesn’t seem to experience the same feeling when she goes to the movies.  When she walks into the dark room of the theater, she declares, “I’m too busy.  Too busy scanning each room for the perfect place to hide if a gunman enters the building.”  Because of the numerous movie theater shootings in the past twenty-five years, she has become paranoid and tries to insure her safety. 

I can relate to the feelings that Emily T. has when she goes to watch the latest movie.  Every time I go to the movie theater, my mother tells me to know where the closest exit is located just incase someone comes in with a gun.  For many, “movie theaters aren’t what they used to be. No longer are they noisy, colorful places full of excitement and wonder.”

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