Feedback on The Tunnel | Teen Ink

Feedback on The Tunnel

October 7, 2015
By Joisamazing SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
Joisamazing SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Tunnel by Max Firehammer

"The Tunnel" is about three people who go into a tunnel rumored to contain dead kids who appear in it each year without a reason to explain this. Dan, one of the people has never heard of the stories before and is therefore not as afraid to go in. Unlike him, Cam and Audrey have their cautions but still want to take the risk. This story is well crafted and the teenage voice here isn't overdone, but perfect. 


I personally love the piece, because I kind of like chills down my spine IN STORIES, and how Dan realizes he's kind of right about the voice calling "Mommy" not come from a child. "He remembered how sometimes the primates' calls sounded like a child weeping...Looking over his shoulder, he saw the beast's eyes, so dark that they glowed. 

"Save me, Mommy!" it wailed behind them. "Save me from the monsters!""

It's a chilling piece about a waxy, hairless dog that lurks in the tunnel and tricks all three people into thinking it was a baby. I loved the piece. However, the end seems pretty choppy. 

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