Feedback on I'm So OCD | Teen Ink

Feedback on I'm So OCD

September 24, 2015
By Bello123 GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
Bello123 GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The problem with internet quotes is that you can't always depend on their accuracy" -Abraham Lincoln, 1864

I'm So OCD is a real account of a girl who has real OCD. People think that OCD is just about organizing and being a perfectionist. I used to be one of those people. After reading this article, I finally understood that OCD isn't a joke. It makes you have strong impulses that eventually control your life. OCD is a serious matter and there are two popular ways to react to it: laughing and making a big deal out of it. 

Thus article completely changed my perspective on OCD. I always thought that my sister had OCD just because she was organized and a perfectionist. Now I know that OCD is much worse than that. It is a series of impulses that make you itch. I will no longer react to it by saying "wow, you have legit OCD"? I will say what it said in the article " oh, you have OCD? Tell me how I can help." This quote moved me to realize how sensitive words are when it comes to OCD. This article is amazing and moved me. 

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