Feedback On To Our Collective Body | Teen Ink

Feedback On To Our Collective Body

September 24, 2015
By Maria_The_TMNT GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
Maria_The_TMNT GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"To Our Collective Body" by Daisy Blossom Doty made my outlook on bodies and the thoughts that our bodies provoke change.  There is so much diversity and no one got left out.  The examples were different but they tied into one topic which is loving your body and that other people's opinions on your body are irrelevant.  Many different body types were mentioned throughout this piece but what's important is that each one mentioned is extremely beautiful.  This piece really spoke to me and it expresses a really important message.


This piece changed the way I view my body and the way I should view others bodies.  Society has brainwashed teenagers, making them believe that skinny means pretty...but it doesn't.  In "To Our Collective Body" there was an example of a girl that lost weight due to a disease but she saw herself as beautiful before while the other people around her did not.  Their opinions made her question if she should be grateful for the disease that stole her strength and enjoyment in life.  No one should ever feel like that.  Everyone should read this piece because it's truly an eye opener and will make you realize that body shaming and other people determining your worth is not okay.

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