Feedback on The Other Sophia | Teen Ink

Feedback on The Other Sophia

April 26, 2015
By cierra.monique SILVER, Staten Island, New York
cierra.monique SILVER, Staten Island, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All we ever see or seem is but a dream within a dream"

       One particularly striking piece in the latest edition of Teen Ink is "The Other Sophia"'by Sophia Watwood. The beautiful memoir intimately recounts the authors struggle with her own identity among a sea of others bearing the same name. She constantly feels like the lesser Sophia, hiding in the shadow of her clones.

       I especially loved this piece because it was so candid and personal. The writer reveals her yearning to be the best without inhibition. We are given the chance to face the question that plagues her most- Why can't I live up to the legacy of my namesakes? "Gold medals shine brighter next to silver when they are engraved with the same string of letters," she discloses.
      However, by the end of the piece the author has a epiphany. She is able to see herself for whom she really is- a unique, talented and beautiful human being. Sophia lets the reader see her most intimate thoughts and experience her awakening in a way that trusting and mature beyond her years. "I am not the other Sophia," she realizes. "I am no one's lesser version."

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