Killing Me | Teen Ink

Killing Me

March 3, 2015
By Syblys GOLD, New York. City, New York
Syblys GOLD, New York. City, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As teenagers, we all face a type of social anxiety, in whatever form it may come. I feel as if this is perfectly captured in the poem "Killing Me" by Kaily McGurk. She discusses the issues that she faces as a teenager with social anxiety. There was a lot of wonderful things about this poem that I really liked. I especially liked that each stanza of the poem begins by defining a word that would complete the last sentence of the previous stanza. This added a unique flare to the poem
I also really liked the particular composition of some lines. For example, the line "choking you" was centered and reasonably shorter than the rest of the lines in the entire poem. This added a great amount of well placed emphasis on that line. Additionally, I liked the little message at the very end about not running from difficult situations.

Although, for me, relating to this poem was a little difficult, I felt that it expressed and described social anxiety very well. And, all in all, I really liked this poem.   

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