A Take on Love | Teen Ink

A Take on Love

February 15, 2015
By Anonymous

“Life Is Not a Movie” by William B. is a powerful reality check for the reader.  He not only reminds us that life is not in any way like the entertainment we devour today, but also he gives brief and compelling explanations of how expectations are turned upside down.  His opening statement grabs the reader by the gut and clearly states the thesis of the writing.  The Mark Twain quote, “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; truth isn’t,” nails the fact that the truth isn’t cliché, like the fictional stories, or has clear cut options, but it is usually the antithesis and exceptionally hard to swallow.

Love is not always an easygoing, fairytale romance. It is usually full of struggles and hardships that are unplanned.  Love is full of pain and suffering, and many times, there is no soul mate or knight in shinning armor to take life’s pain.  The heart is not light and free but often a heavy burden to bear.

Love is not always an easygoing, fairytale romance. It is usually full of struggles and hardships that are unplanned.  Love is full of pain and suffering, and many times, there is no soul mate or knight in shinning armor to take life’s pain.  The heart is not light and free but often a heavy burden to bear.

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