Making Amends | Teen Ink

Making Amends

February 10, 2015
By vicgrace SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
vicgrace SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take"

I agree with her with change happening all around us all the time, how we have to accept it because like she said we can't stop it. I have had to go though some major changes in my life when I was younger, I didn't like it but I realized I had to accept what it was and now I'm content with it. Everything will change eventually, and we can't be against change or just sit here and not accept things that change. Change can change so many things in the world, it can bring happiness, homes, food, anything. If someone changed their way of mind and donated one toy to a shelter, the change that their making in their life is benefiting someone else and putting a smile of their face. Yes, change is scary but it's also a beautiful thing. Some changes are life changing, it just all depends on how you want to live your life. I think change messes with people in my school, why? Well I don't know their answers why, but mine would be that we are a small school, if something changes in the school it messes with our heads just a bit, because we're so used to the way things are. With other people though change dosen't mess with them. It's all about how you personally want to deal with change.

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