Middle School Crush | Teen Ink

Middle School Crush

February 6, 2015
By Laurynna3 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Laurynna3 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

In “Middle School Crush” “Abigail had put people’s middle school crushes in one piece.  This whole article might be one of the truest articles you can read.  “Wrong. So very wrong.”  “He doesn’t like you. He likes that girl.”  I’d say nearly everyone in middle school has been in the point to where they liked someone and was crushed because they didn’t like you back.  I enjoy how this is written.  She wrote the article to seem like she wrote it in a journal.  It’s like your talking to her in person.  I can relate to this because I have been in the spot of feeling like crying because the guy doesn’t like you.  It isn’t something people like to do but a lot of people are put in that position at some point in their middle school lives.

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on Feb. 17 2015 at 10:23 pm
What i think about this artucle it has alot of information it does have some good facts about a middle school crush i have one quiestion why do boys treat us like we are nobodys just cuase we dont have a sexy body