Feedback on Middle School Crush | Teen Ink

Feedback on Middle School Crush

January 25, 2015
By Vika14 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
Vika14 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't let anyone ever dull your sparkle"

The story "Middle School Crush" by "Abigail" was well written and extremely relatable. It was a description of how girls and boys feel when they have a crush in middle school. Anyone who read this piece would find it hilarious because of how accurately the author portrays the actions and emotions of crushing middle schoolers.
   The line I found to be the most relatable was, "Having a crush feels like Valentine's Day has thrown up all over you. You feel like a sparkly fairy princess, and whenever your crush is nearby, you always say the stupidest stuff." After reading this line, I gasped because that described my middle school crush life in two sentences. Humor-filled, this piece is definitely a must read for all teens and especially high schoolers, so they can laugh at their  young middle school love.

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