Feedback on "Hollaback Girl" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Hollaback Girl"

January 13, 2015
By Syblys GOLD, New York. City, New York
Syblys GOLD, New York. City, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Hollaback Girl” by Yaasmeen Piper is a wonder piece describing the troubles women and girls can face by simply walking down the street. The article begins with an experience that the author had herself, then, we are presented several bits of data about the frequency of street harassment that are truly surprising. Following this, the opposing side is addressed, and more harrowing examples are given (such as a man was brutally assaulted for defending women from catcallers, or that a girl who refused to have sex with a man after being proposed $200 was choked unconscious). Then the piece is wrapped up with another experience that Yaasmeen has had and one important question in reference to street harassment being harmless: “Still think it’s harmless fun?”
Many times while walking down the street, I’ve heard the catcalls that Yaasmeen describes, either directed towards myself or another woman. This made the position she took very relatable and made me agree with her even more. Also she was very detailed when dealing with the opposing side of the argument and had a strong rebuttal so that if I ever wavered on my stance, the next sentence would surely bring me back  to agreeing with her. Additionally, Yaasmeen’s voice was clear and strong throughout the piece and you could tell that she was very passionate about this topic. All in all, “Hollback Girl” is a extremely well written article about street harassment that was very persuasive and Yaasmeen brought to life a subject that many people don’t take seriously but is real, so I thank her.

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