Feedback on "How Tall Are You?" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "How Tall Are You?"

December 3, 2014
By Syblys GOLD, New York. City, New York
Syblys GOLD, New York. City, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"How Tall Are You" by "Andrea" is a wonderful piece about the plight of being a tall girl. This is about the author's experience being the tallest girl school and her feelings about her height over the years. When she was younger, this was a feature that she took pride in, then as she grew older she began to dread growing. This continued until she met a girl, who was equally tall, helped her regain her confidence. I found this story to be very relatable and I loved reading every word of it.

The reason I love this story comes from my ability to completely relate with the author. I am also among the tallest girls in my school and I know how "Andrea" felt when she walked through the halls of her school. All of the questions that she was asked constantly (like "do you play basketball?") are questions that I have also been bombarded with. Just about everything that has happened to the author has also happened to me. It almost felt as if I was staring into a mirrior, but I liked it. I especially loved the sentence "life is not trying to fit in" becuase, although it is a bit cliched, I thought that it was completely true and made me appreciate my height. I absolutely adored this piece and I think that every girl who feels like the tall one should read this.   

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