Secondhand Insecurity | Teen Ink

Secondhand Insecurity

October 17, 2014
By Larissa97 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Larissa97 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I read through Allison Ives's article, "Secondhand Insecurity," every word she had typed up, I could wholeheartedly relate to. It was as if she exposed my thoughts out to the world where everyone could see them. Allision Ives passionately voices her opinion on how in today's society "we aren't warned about poisonous people." She provides her personal experience and speaks about how her sister is insecure about herself; her sister's obsession with her insecurities can influnce other's thoughts and how they view themselves. I was able to understand what she was talking about because an acquaintance of mine does the same thing as her sister; in the past her negative thoughts had ended up influencing my own. I passionately agree with Allison Ives that we should stay clear from people like this. "We [should be] warned about poisonous people" because we do not need to be around those that can and will taint our minds with negativity. Thank you, Allison for sharing your view point on people like this. 

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