Bye Bye Bulliyng | Teen Ink

Bye Bye Bulliyng

October 2, 2014
By Jesus_Corona BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
Jesus_Corona BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bye Bye Bullying.
One of the articles that has grabbed my attention is “Bye Bye Bullying”. This articles a really important part of Teen Ink. The reason is there is a lot of cases of bullying. Were people that are been a victim of bullying fall into a severe case of depression. In extreme cases they kill themselves.
Teen Ink has put a really important article where teenagers with this kind of problems could look at. Magazines could help them find answers. These article tells teenagers that no one is worth lees or more everyone is worth the sale.
Telling real histories of teenagers that have gone through these kinds of problems. This will give Teen Ink a lot of intensity and more teenagers will read of teen ink because is using real story’s that had happen to other persons. This also tales a person’s attention seeing what is going on with teenagers.
I liked this article a lot because everyone gets bullied t dome point on their life. This articles shows to teenagers that is okay to speak up. This articles cut show them how to get back to their normal lite.

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