Response to "She's Only Five" | Teen Ink

Response to "She's Only Five"

November 14, 2013
By djl831 SILVER, Oakwood, Ohio
djl831 SILVER, Oakwood, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the November 2013 issue of Teen Ink, Alicia Gonzales’s article “She’s Only Five” was touching. The young girl in the story had a very positive attitude, yet she had no “real” home. Natalia, the young girl, shows that even when life has you down, you can find positives in the world. Also I feel that Alicia did a good deed by volunteering in the Read to Me program. Not enough teenagers, in my opinion, do volunteer work. I don’t think that a teenager not wanting to volunteer is the main cause for low volunteer rates. I believe that many teenagers would volunteer if they could but not many know how to apply to volunteer. Schools should be more active in a community’s volunteer effort. Sign-up sheets should be held in offices for students to sign up.

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